If you would like to have your OPAC and/or staff interface show an 'Editions' tab on the bibliographic record, you want to enable one or the other FRBR preferences and then the ISBN service :ref:`ThingISBN <ThingISBN-label>`.
Si quiere que el OPAC y/o la interfaz administrativa muestren una pestaña de 'Editiones' en el registro bibliográfico, tendrá que habilitar una y otra de las preferencias FRBR y luegouna o ambas de los servicios ISBN (XISBN y ThingISBN).
Use "and" instead of &, unless part of a proper noun or a common abbreviation. For example: Notices and slips, not Notices & slips; Baker & Taylor, R&D.
bibliographic record
registro bibliográfico
Base terminology
Use "bibliographic record", not "biblio".
Base terminology
Use "OPAC", not "Opac" or "opac" when abbreviating online public access catalog(ue), including in system preference names.
Base terminology
Use "show/don't show" in system preference options, not "display/don't display".
staff interface
Base terminology
Use "staff interface", not "staff client", "staff intranet", or "intranet".