

English Arabic (ar_ARAB) Actions


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String added in the repository

3 weeks ago
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Things to check

Consecutive duplicated words

Text contains the same word twice in a row: المؤلف



English Arabic (ar_ARAB)
Author المؤلف Terminology
"Traditionally, to author meant to write a literary work or journalistic piece. In a computer context it means to create a product for implementation via computer technology; to write a computer program or to create Web pages. "
form نموذج Terminology
Form نموذج Terminology
"A structured document with spaces reserved for entering information and often containing special coding as well. In some applications (especially databases), a structured window, box, or other self-contained presentation element with predefined areas for "
title عنوان Terminology
Title عنوان Terminology

String information

Source string location
String age
3 weeks ago
Last updated
3 weeks ago
Source string age
3 weeks ago
Translation file
ar-Arab-installer-UNIMARC.po, string 932