

English Arabic (ar_ARAB) Actions


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String added in the repository

2 weeks ago
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Things to check

Mismatched exclamation mark

Source and translation do not both end with an exclamation mark



English Arabic (ar_ARAB)
record التسجيلة Terminology
Record سجل Terminology
"1. A data structure that is a collection of fields (elements), each with its own name and type. 2. To retain or write information, usually in a file."
source مصدر Terminology
Source مصدر Terminology
"In information processing, a disk, file, document, or other collection of information from which data is taken or moved. "

String information

Source string location
String age
2 weeks ago
Last updated
2 weeks ago
Source string age
2 weeks ago
Translation file
ar-Arab-messages-js.po, string 440