searching.pref#z3950Status# <pre>ccode: [REF,ARC]</pre><br/>- would mark all REF and ARC collections (Reference and Archives) items as unavailable in Z3950 results.<br/><br/>
searching.pref#z3950Status# <pre>ccode: [REF,ARC]</pre><br/>- would mark all REF and ARC collections (Reference and Archives) items as unavailable in Z3950 results.<br/><br/>
Käytä sanaa "ja" &-merkin sijaan, ellei se ole osa substantiivia tai yleistä lyhennettä. Esimerkkejä: Kuitit ja tulosteet, ei Kuitit & tulosteet; Baker & Tailor, R&D.
Use "and" instead of &, unless part of a proper noun or a common abbreviation. For example: Notices and slips, not Notices & slips; Baker & Taylor, R&D.