

English Circulation > Holds policy > UpdateItemWhenLostFromHoldList Circulation > Holds Policy
English Dutch Actions


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String updated in the repository

6 months ago
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English Dutch
admin Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (4)
bin Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (2)
Circulation Uitleen Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (95)
circulation uitleen Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (200)
circulation.pref circulation.pref Terminology
Circulation (poterminology) ter/aux.po (15)
circulation.pref#updateitemwhenlostfromholdlist Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (2)
circulation.pref#UpdateItemWhenLostFromHoldList Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (2)
Holds to pull Op te halen aanvragen {ter/aux.po, ter/aux.po}; Openstaande aanvragen {ter/aux.po} Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (6)
holds to pull op te halen aanvragen {ter/aux.po, ter/aux.po}; openstaande aanvragen {ter/aux.po} Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (6)
Item Exemplaar Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (238)
item exemplaar Terminology
item's Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (23)
Koha Koha Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (840)
koha koha Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (842)
List Lijst Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (46)
list lijst Terminology
list of values lijst met waarden Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (2) SCRIPT
LOST Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (4)
Lost Zoek Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (28)
lost zoek Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (111)
marked Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (30)
marked as Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (25)
Page Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (12)
page pagina Terminology
pref Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (4)
pull ophalen Terminology
Update Update Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (36)
update bijwerken Terminology
Values Waarden Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (7)
values waarden Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (104)
values with Terminology
(poterminology) ter/aux.po (6)

String information

Source string description
Circulation > Holds policy > UpdateItemWhenLostFromHoldList Circulation > Holds Policy
String age
6 months ago
Last updated
9 days ago
Source string age
6 months ago
Translation file
nl-NL-pref.po, string 1377