

English Ukrainian Actions


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2 weeks ago
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English Ukrainian
fee грошовий збір, плата, зплата, пеня, внесок, гонорар, аванс, тариф; (a sum of money paid for a service. The amount may be fixed, depending on type of service, or variable, depending on the amount of time required to perform the service. In some libraries, document delivery service is fee-based. Fees may also be charged for the use of items in rental collections, but for the most part, libraries in the United States are committed to offering basic services at no charge to their clientele. Persons who live outside a public library's service area, or who are not faculty or students entitled to use the resources and services of an academic library, may be charged a fee for limited borrowing privileges. See also: copyright fee.) Terminology
Item Terminology
item одиниця+, примірник+ (окрема книга), екземпляр, одиниця зберігання/збереження, елемент+ (списку), запис (напр. у контексті кошика записів) Terminology
item Base terminology

Use "item", not "document".

lost втрачено Terminology
processing опрацювання триває+, обробляння триває Terminology

String information

Source string location
String age
2 weeks ago
Last updated
2 weeks ago
Source string age
2 weeks ago
Translation file
uk-UA-staff-prog.po, string 73