

English Arabic (ar_ARAB) Actions


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String updated in the repository

a year ago
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Things to check

Consecutive duplicated words

Text contains the same word twice in a row: محلي



English Arabic (ar_ARAB)
description وصف Terminology
grid شبكة Terminology
Grid شبيكة Terminology
"Two sets of lines or linear elements at right angles to each other. A spreadsheet is a grid of rows and columns."
local محلي Terminology
Local محلي Terminology
"1. In communications, a device that can be accessed directly rather than by means of a communications line. 2. In information processing, an operation performed by the computer at hand rather than by a remote computer. "
OR أو Terminology
"A logical operation for combining two bits (0 or 1) or two Boolean values (false or true). If one or both values are 1 (true), it returns the value 1 (true). "

String information

String age
a year ago
Last updated
a month ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
ar-Arab-installer-MARC21.po, string 942