The 'Fines' tab will show just a total of what the patron owes. Clicking on the total will take them to the 'your fines' tab where they will see a complete breakdown of their fines and bills. If you don't charge fines at your library you can turn the display of these tabs off by setting the :ref:`OPACFinesTab <OPACFinesTab-label>` preference to 'Don't allow.'
The 'Fines' tab will show just a total of what the patron owes. Clicking on the total will take them to the 'your fines' tab where they will see a complete breakdown of their fines and bills. If you don't charge fines at your library you can turn the display of these tabs off by setting the :ref:`OPACFinesTab <OPACFinesTab-label>` preference to 'Don't allow.'
英文使用“and”代替 &,除非是專有名詞或常用縮寫的一部分。例如:Notices and slips,而不是Notices & slips;Baker & Taylor, R&D。
Use "and" instead of &, unless part of a proper noun or a common abbreviation. For example: Notices and slips, not Notices & slips; Baker & Taylor, R&D.
Base terminology
(noun) Use the general term "charge" when referring to different types of fees (account creation fee, hold fee, overdue fine, lost item fee, etc.). Use "fine" only in the case of overdue fines.
Base terminology
Do not use in system preference options, use "show/don't show".
Base terminology
Use "library", not "branch".
Base terminology
Use "patron", not "user", "member", or "borrower".
Base terminology
Do not use when referring to Koha's system preferences. Use "system preference".
Base terminology
Use "show/don't show" in system preference options, not "display/don't display".
於'罰款'分頁籤將顯示讀者的待付罰款總額。安總額後進入 '我欠款的總額. 點擊總額後,會跳轉到 '你的罰款'分頁,才能看到各筆罰款的明細。若頁籤,在那裡他們可以看到罰款和帳單的完整明細. 如果您的圖書館不向讀者收取罰款,您可以把透過將 :ref:`OPACFinesTab <OPACFinesTab-label>` 偏好設定為 '不允許',就不會顯示罰款分頁。來關閉這些頁籤的顯示.