opac.pref#AuthorityXSLTOpacDetailsDisplay# <br />Options:<ul><li>Empty. No XSLT will be applied (<strong>default</strong>)</li><li>Enter a path to a custom XSLT file.</li><li>Enter a URL for an external stylesheet.</li></ul>If you have multiple stylesheets for: <ul><li>different languages: use the placeholder {langcode} - this will be replaced with the current interface language</li><li>authority types: use the placeholder {authtypecode} - this will be replaced with the authority type code.
<br />Optioner:<ul><li><a href="#" class="set_syspref" data-syspref="OPACXSLTResultsDisplay" data-value="">Lad være tom</a>for "ingen xslt"</li><li>indtast<a href="#" class="set_syspref" data-syspref="OPACXSLTResultsDisplay" data-value="default">default</a>" for standarden</li><li>angiv stien for at definere en xslt-fil</li><li>sæt en URL til et eksterntspecifikt stylesheet.</li></ul>{langcode} erstattes med det aktuelle interfacesprog